Block deploys to keep dead feature flags out of our code
TL:DR — have a test fail which stops deploys if feature flags aren’t removed within an expected timeframe.
I previously wrote about how we use feature flags a lot. We still do.
A problem we encountered was while we were very fast to add feature flags, we were much slower to remove them from the code.
To combat this I instituted some tests that would fail if feature flags weren’t removed within their expected timeframe.
The feature flags we use are Flipper which I highly recommend.
The code is in ruby but I’m hoping its quite a friendly language so its still readable for non-rubyists.
How it works
Every time an engineer adds a Flipper feature flag they also add the name of the flipper and the expected removal date to an array in our test file.
The tests then check that
a) we have an expected removal date for every feature flag in the system
b) each feature flag has not passed its expected removal date
How its working
Its working well. At our worst point we had about 25 feature flags with 20 of them being turned on permanently.
Now we’ve kept our feature flags under 10 for quite a while and we rarely have dead ones in for very long.
Can’t you just game it and keep postponing?
Yes of course. If a test fails likely the first action will be to update the date to the following day or week. But you will also contact the person who added the flag to let them know. Nobody wants to keep dead code in the codebase. Nobody wants to delay deploys by having their dead code cause tests to fail. So it nudges you towards doing something about it. And these nudges have shown to be very effective.
This approach was heavily inspired by Justin Searls snappily named todo_or_die gem.
The code
describe "Flipper" doflippers = [
["hot_dogs_for_fingers", "2022-11-08"],
["please_be_kind", "2023-01-01"],
["the_everything_bagel", "2022-12-21"]
]# when adding any new flipper we add the flipper name and expected removal date to the flippers arrayit "tests all the flippers we have" do tested_flipper_names = { |flipper| flipper[0] }.sort flipper_names = { |flipper| }.sort expect(tested_flipper_names).to eq flipper_namesend flippers.each do |flipper| it "#{flipper[0]} has not passed its expected removal date" do expect(date_has_passed(flipper[1]) && flipper_exists(flipper[0])).to eq false end end def date_has_passed(date) > Date.parse(date) end def flipper_exists(flipper_name) Flipper[flipper_name.to_sym].exist? endend