Blogging my way through Interview Cake

Kevin McCarthy
1 min readApr 13, 2020


I used to blog a lot. Like an awful lot. Every day in fact. You can see them all here.

Now I blog a little. Like very little, like pretty much not at all.

And I miss it. I liked that all the things I learned were available to me with a quick google of my username and the topic. I liked that I had to think about what I learned in order to write them down. I liked being someone who wrote a blog post every day.

While there is an argument that I’m part of the problem, filling the internet with more ill-informed bullshit, I’m hoping that overall there’s a net positive both in terms of me learning stuff, and others benefiting from my learning.

So while I’m in lockdown I’m going to try to blog every day again. I’m going to try to work my way through Interview Cake’s course and document my learning here. I’m not actually looking for another job right now but given the current economic climate, I thought it might not be a bad time to become incredibly easy to hire.

One day I’ll move it onto my own website but for right now I’ll post it on this terrible place as its what I’m used to.

You can follow my posts here.



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