fix `window is not defined` for server-side render react-rails with webpacker split chunks in Rails
Nov 6, 2020
TL:DR you need to remove server_side_rendering.js
from your splitChunks. We did this in config/webpack/environment.js
credit to Riccardo Margiotta who supplied this solution here
This was an issue we struggled with for quite a while so I’m writing this up so others may find the answer a bit faster then trawling through Github issues.
Code snippet of above image
const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')const notServerRendering = name => name !== 'server_rendering'const splitChunksConfig = {
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
chunks(chunk) {
return notServerRendering(;
environment.config.set('output.filename', 'js/[name].js')
environment.config.set('output.chunkFilename', 'js/[name].js')module.exports = environment