How to write a lot of blogs — Make them shitty

Kevin McCarthy
1 min readApr 15, 2021


Make them shitty. Yeah, just publish your first draft. If you’re reading this in hope of learning how to write a lot of blog posts you probably don’t have an audience who’ll be sad about you writing shitty words. I don’t even tag my posts on here so they shouldn’t show up in anyone’s feeds. I have no idea how anyone finds my blog posts to be honest. I publish them here so they’re easier to find for me later, as I haven’t managed to stick with any note-taking app as long as I’ve been writing here. And sometimes people find my posts helpful and that’s nice. But yeah I don’t worry about that when I’m writing. I just focus on getting them done. And the way to do that is just make them quite bad. Like this post. Sometimes they turn out good (not this one), but that’s never the goal. I tend to think that a shitty blog post is better than no blog post. A shitty blog post may help someone but no blog post definitely won’t.

This was inspired by this excellent tiktok



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