Measuring Core Web Vitals — Googles new report app!

Kevin McCarthy
2 min readMar 17, 2021


TL:DR Use if you’ve got your Core Web Vitals (CWV) data set up in Google Analytics.

I’ve started describing in previous posts (here and here) how we measure our Core Web Vitals (there’s a lot of steps!).

Google’s new

In the meantime Google has released a new site where if you’ve added your data to Google Analytics in their recommended way, you can see an UNSAMPLED breakdown of your performance.

Why is this exciting

Previously it was a real pain to get a good view of your own Core Web Vitals metrics in the same way its represented in the CRUX (Chrome User Experience Report).

Unsampled data

The numbers line up exactly with what we’re seeing in our homemade patched together solution so I’m confident the data is unsampled (sampled data is your enemy). Any report showing more than a week’s worth of CWV data in Google Analytics would be sampled.

Still worth building your own dashboard?

Yes. (if you have the time and inclination)
The web vitals report app doesn’t give you the flexibility of diving into everything as we have in our own dashboard solution BUT its much much better then anything that you can make yourself directly in Google Analytics due to the lack of p75 calculations and the sampling issues.

Hack around yourself!

The report is open source, written in Javascript so if you so wished you can fork it and update the code and make exactly what you want. This seems like a pretty enormous rabbit hole so I’m not going to jump in that one too quickly but might be interesting in the future.



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