This Is A Draft

Kevin McCarthy
1 min readJul 4, 2017


I used to blog a lot. Every day in fact. That seems like a long time ago. I miss it.

I heard something today that inspired me to write again, to put something down, something I want to remember.

It was Chris Coyier (from CSS-Tricks) on the Hacking UI podcast.

They talked about how blog posts shouldn’t be seen as a big deal. That we can treat our blog as our drafts folder. (that bit is at about 14:30, but the whole podcast is worth a listen).

This appeals to me a lot. I struggle with wanting things to be really really good, while simultaneously being highly critical of anything I create.

This wonderful combination leaves me paralysed and with a ton of undeployed projects and undocumented thoughts and ideas.

But not today, today I’m clicking publish on this draft.



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