How we passed Core Web Vitals — outline

Kevin McCarthy
2 min readApr 19, 2021


This is a collection of posts about how we passed Google’s Core Web Vitals.

check out how we’re doing today

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Show Origin Summary
  3. It should say “Over the previous 28-day collection period, the aggregate experience of all pages served from this origin passes the Core Web Vitals assessment” — if not we’ve screwed it up since writing this post!

Getting started

How we passed Core Web Vitals — our favourite resources

Things that helped us pass our Core Web Vitals assessment

Fixing things


How we identify our LCP (Largest Contentful Paint) element and get quick feedback

How we passed Core Web Vitals — LCP — preloading images

How we passed Core Web Vitals — LCP — Server Side Rendering React

How we passed our Core Web Vitals — LCP — Skip Server Side rendering for bots

How we passed our Core Web Vitals — LCP — Fragment Caching our Server Side Rendered React (SSR)


How to identify your CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) problem elements

How we passed our Core Web Vitals — CLS — show/hide cookie banner on server

Setting height on server side rendered carousel (to be written)

Fixing CLS on our PLP so many heights to add (to be written)

The curious case of the high CLS when LayoutShift has no shift?


Bizarre FID case where changing CSS property reduce FID (to be written)

Data tracking

Core Web Vitals — data sources we used

Why we used field data instead of lab data to guide our Core Web Vitals improvements

How we get around data sampling issues in Google Analytics without spending 150k

How we measure Core Web Vitals ourselves with Real User Metrics (field data)

How we measure Core Web Vitals Part two — starting in the browser with web-vitals library and the

Measuring our Core Web Vitals — GTM(Google Tag Manager)

How we measure our Core Web Vitals — Google Sheets

How we measure our Core Web Vitals — adding a p75 time series chart in DataStudio

How we measure our Core Web Vitals — DataStudio making the experience breakdown pie chart

How we measure Core Web Vitals — WOW comparison in DataStudio

Measuring Core Web Vitals — Googles new report app!



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